by TaiChiChuan Julie | Oct 20, 2018 | Alignment, Alternative Healing, Energy Healing, Energy Medicine, Mind/Body, Posture, Tai Chi, Tai Chi Knees
TAI CHI: The Ancient Exercise of the Future My Personal Journey: It amazes me today just how unknowingly disconnected I used to be from my own mind and body before I discovered Tai Chi. Many years ago, in fact, I would have told you that I knew exactly what I was...
by Tai Chi Chuan Julie | Sep 18, 2017 | Alignment, Energy Medicine, Martial Arts, Mind/Body, Tai Chi, Tai Chi Knees
What About the Knees? Does Tai Chi help or hurt your knees? There are a few things to remember when it comes to knee health: First, make sure you find a good Tai Chi teacher, someone who really knows how to correctly teach Tai Chi Chuan and also understands how the...