Are your knees stiff and painful?

Are you recovering, in rehab, or having trouble going up and down stairs or walking?

10 Easy Tips for Healthy Knees

Imagine a world where your knees are healthy and strong!

A world where post surgical recovery is faster and easier and / or sometimes even avoided.  Imagine having confidence when going up and down stairs and walking. All this can be your reality.

I understand, I struggled with painful swollen knees that pop and click everytime I moved them, I felt the disappointment of not being able to do the things I loved anymore because walking and bending cause me so much pain.

Did you know that most knee injuries occur from misuse, overuse or poor training?


It’s easily fixable.  We can show you in a quick 10 minute video what you can do to strengthen and heal your knees using Tai Chi techniques.  This powerful video will demonstrate easy to implement principles that can rehabilitate and forever change the way you use your knees. These easy to learn methods and techniques are also very beneficial for knee rehabilitation post surgery. They are as simple as learning to walk properly. Use stairs again and be able to twist and bend without pain or the risk of injury.


You will learn the 10 “EASY  techniques to protect your knees while doing everyday life tasks like vacuuming or taking out the trash, or fun hobbies like gardening, walking the dog, or participating in your favorite sport.

Young or old, it’s never too late to turn things around and start enjoying life, do the things you love again like: hiking, golfing, skiing or just playing in the yard with the Grandkids, or having dinner with friends! Whatever “it” is, it’s not too late!

Please request your video now by entering your email. (and then let us know how you feel).